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Shop our award-winning, natural, organic,

plant based skincare + wellness






Moksa मोक्ष from Sanskrit meaning inner peace, liberation and bliss.

Natural + organic, plant-based skincare and wellness rituals. Inspired by Ayurvedic practices, backed by nature.

Helping you to feel good in your own skin, naturally.


Have you tried one of our Collections yet?


New Collection!

The Self Care Collection

The Self Care Collection is more than just skincare it’s an invitation to take a moment out of your busy schedule and focus on nurturing and nourishing yourself.

New Collection!

The Signature Collection

Our Signature Collection contains our bestselling and award winning signature products- everything you need to really indulge and create a stunning spa experience at home.

New Collection!

The Sleep Time Collection

Everything you need for a deeply restful sleep time ritual. A beautiful collection of three full sized products and our much loved two-sided organic cleansing cloth, all in a beautiful organic cotton canvas cosmetic bag.


Our Current Bestsellers

Surya Sunshine Body Oil - a zesty and hydrating body oil with grapefruit, ylang ylang and lemongrass

Surya | Sunshine Body Oil

This little bottle of liquid sunshine is your go-to and will keep your skin hydrated with a beautiful sunkissed scent. Handcrafted specifically to uplift your mood, hydrate your skin and nourish your mind, it is a stunning blend including jojoba, baobab and infused with grapefruit, lemongrass and ylang ylang for a truly divine scent.

Wild Rose Facial Elixir - our award winning natural skincare facial oil a real treat for all skintypes,  perfect for ageing skin and skin prone to rosacea

Wild Rose Facial Elixir

Featuring all 7 omegas, this powerhouse elixir is an absolute treat for your skin. Infused with the rejuvenating power of Jojoba, Sea Buckthorn, Rosehip, Rose, Frankincense, and Vitamin E, this organic elixir offers your skin a radiant transformation. It helps to fight free radicals, protect from toxins, heal your dry or damaged skin barrier leaving you with a soft, luminous glow and smelling like the most indulgent Turkish Delight!


Daily Calm Cleansing Oil

Elevate your skincare routine to a state of tranquility with our award-winning Daily Calm Cleansing Oil. Crafted from the finest organic ingredients, this luxurious oil cleanser is designed to pamper your skin while embracing the serenity of nature.

Daily Calm features a harmonious blend of organic jojoba, sweet almond, and grapeseed, lavender, and chamomile. These nourishing botanicals gently dissolve makeup, impurities, and the stresses of the day, leaving your skin clean, soft, and hydrated.


 Our Awards

Moksa is an Award Winning Natural Skincare Brand